Major & Minor Characters
Click on the character name to see the characters bio.
Daria Morgendorffer
Jane Lane
Quinn Morgendorffer
Helen Morgendorffer
Jake Morgendorffer
Trent Lane
Jodie Landon
Michael Jordan Mackenzie
Brittany Taylor
Kevin Thompson
Charles "Upchuck" Ruttheimer III
The Minor Cast
Lawndale High Faculty
The Fashion Club Members and Quinn's adoring followers
Mystik Spiral Members
One-Time Characters (from 1st and 2nd season)
Did I leave out anybody? Wether minor or major, if I missed a character you think should be recognized, send mail to with the character name, age (if known, or guess) and bio. make sure the subject reads CHARACTER.
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Daria is © of MTV. They own the show, the characters, so let's show some respect to them.